The economic crisis in Europe: local and global consequences, future perspectives and self-employment
By this project we will promote entrepreneurship in our school, arising from the current economic crisis and unemployment figures in our country. To achieve this objective, the project begins with a comprehensive analysis of the economic situation in Europe, and in each of the participating countries, and tries to extract valid results, to face the future and to propose improvements and solutions.
1. Analysis.
Obviously, the economic crisis has not hit all European countries in the same way; that´s why we consider it´s important to begin with an analysis of the economic situation of each of the partners from a national perspective, but also from a local perspective, nearest our students and their families.
Both analyzes, national and local, will be shared with other partner countries, and the comparison we make will allow us to draw valid conclusions for the European context. It is, therefore, an analysis from bottom to up; begining with a local point of view we will be able to draw an overview of the economic crisis and its consequences.
2. The future prospects.
Having done the analysis, the next step is to ask for the prospects of each of the partner countries. The way in which European countries have faced the crisis has many common aspects, derived from the recommendations of the European Union itself, but also many divergent aspects. Has there been in all partner countries a labor reform? Have there been any budget cuts in all partner countries? Have there been significant changes in the tax systems of each of the countries? The way it has been approached the exit from the economic recession, and therefore, the way each country faces the future, will be the subject matter of the second part of our project.
3. Innovation and entrepreneurship as part of the economic recovery.
Promoting entrepreneurship is part of this project, as we believe it is one of the basic pillars of economic recovery. The trajectory of the European countries in promoting entrepreneurship differs in many aspects. Comparing the procedures required to start a business and formation expenses faced by entrepreneurs is also an objective of this project.